Saturday, January 19, 2008

Saturday Sky and update

Here is the sky today. Not too bad, very cold, and the driveway
is icy. Not fun.

Ok, I finally picked up the tilted duster sleeve. I had four inches
and now have done 3 rows so far of ST stitch. I had to write out,
well, I did it in Word, and printed the increases as it had two
things to keep track. I need to increase one stitch every 6 rows
and do it 11 times. So, I printed it all out row by row and I just
cross off each row as I do it. Makes more sense to me. The other
knitters in my guild, just did by hand, but guess I like it neater.
You might notice the k2p2 rib is a bit longer than need be. When
I was supposed to start the St Stitch, I forgot and did k2p2 again.
So did that for 2 rows to get back to front row. Well, I have
long arms so it's probably ok. Just have to remember to do the
same on the second arm. LOL

Well we've been having ice and snow every other day this past week.
The driveway would just get better and it would do it again. At the
moment the round upper part by the front door is very icy. The down
part isn't as bad. I let hubby go out and will go with him as long
as he is driving. I've had too many ice accidents, one being right
on the driveway. So, I stay in when it's like this.

Having a little trouble picking up the Tilted Duster to work on.
Want to start some other things are calling to me. Isn't that
the way? But since the guild is working on it together, I guess
I better get busy. Next meeting is 7 Feb.

So, I've been knitting

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