Saturday, October 14, 2006

Hi all,

Very cold here in PA. Frost on the ground when I got up. Brrr.

Well here is my Saturday Sky picture.

Took it off the kitchen balcony in my shirt sleeves and about froze. Came in
and put a sweater on after taking the picture. When I took the sweater off
the door knob in here, I found the Booga Bag I knitted in 100% wool and
shrunk, quite a while ago. Maybe I'll use it for church tomorrow. Put a
few things from my purse in there, and finally use it for a change. It's got shoulder handles, so it should work good.

Wll, I have cast on half the stitches I need for this silly hat. Not sure
I'll get it done for Wednesday. But I'll try. I know, some of you, can knit
a hat in a day, but not me. I'm slow.

SoI've been casting on.


Shadkitty said...

You know, I've been meaning to ask you what pattern you used for that red bag with all of the i-cords. Do you still have it?

Jae said...

The view looks gorgeous! Days like that are always deceiving. They look much warmer than the really are.

Carol said...

Beautiful :)