Saturday, March 01, 2008

Saturday Sky Snow

Looks like we got about 3 inches of snow last evening and
night. Temps around mid 30's, so driveway might melt once
it is snow blowed.

I just turned the camera down as hubby was down running
the snow blower down by the bottom of the driveway. If
your can't see him, click on the photo to make it bigger.

I did not take a picture of the Tilted Duster sleeves. Just
look back a ways to see them. Working my way with first 6 rows on
one, and then 6 rows on the other.

Once I finish these sleeves it will be time for me to put
together the top of the duster. Then I will have to pick
up stitches around the bottom of the top, to make the duster
part. Then after that I pick up around the neck to make the
collar. Such fun. Hate picking up stitches.

Well, snow again. Hope it doesn't happen all through March.
Hard to believe it's another month all ready. Time does
seem to fly.

So, I've been knitting

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