Saturday, September 01, 2007

Saturday Sky

Another very nice day. I went to my LYS this morning,
as they were having a 50% off sale of everything but
their own yarns. Evidently they are going to renovate
the store and need to get rid of all they can to do that.

Forgot to take the Saturday Sky picture until I got
home. So that was taken around 2:45 PM. Did I tell
you I was in the line for check out for 2 hours?
Never saw that many knitters all together. Talked
to the older woman in front of me most of the
2 hours. We even walked down the hill, me to
my car and her to her home.

The only thing I am working on at them moment
is socks. Just working the heel flap at the
moment on this first sock, from Sockotta yarn.

The local West End Fair was going all this week.
We went Monday night, then I went Wed. morning,
got my hand stamped when I left and we both
went Wednesday night after dinner. That ate
into my knitting time a bit this week.

So, I've been knitting.

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