Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Hi All,

Well, I finally knitted that row of the shawl that had stalled me. It wasn't as bad as I thought. So, today, while listening to an old podcast from Cast On, I knitted not only that row but the next one too. I have to say that I have arthritis in my left thumb and left knee. Connected? Not sure. Anyway, I can knit approximately 2 rows at a time, especially if they are long rows, and this shawl has 132 stitches per row. Then I break for a while to give my thumb a rest, and then can knit a couple more rows. A little silly, but works for me. It's interesting that we can dread something for a while, and then go back and look at it, and realize it's not that bad. That's what I did with that row 3 of the shawl pattern. Glad it's ok, since you repeat those 4 rows through the whole shawl.

Anyway, still down with the cold. I think I'm getting better, and tomorrow will be the 7th day, so colds only last a week, I hope anyway.

Well, my hubby is late tonight. He went to the local Family History Center to look for a birth certificate for a great grandfather so he can find his parents. Hope he's able to find something.

So, I've been knitting.

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