Friday, September 08, 2006

Well, I just joined Saturday Sky also. Had a little trouble
getting it in the right place on my blog. Of course the
html for it is at the bottom of the things on the right. Such
is life. One of these days I will have to learn html.

Went to my knitting guild last night. We had a class on
Knit to Fit. Changing patterns to fit where dimensions of pattern
don't fit dimensions of person for which you are knitting. Now,
translating what I learned into something knitted will be interesting.
Not sure I am ready for that yet.

Have not been knitting lately. Need to get back into it. I'm a
tad busy with CYLC, or Change Your Life Challenge. The online
book has 70 days of info. You read one day at a time. Today
I will be on day 15. Let's see, a friend gave me the html to highlight
a URL. Will have to look it up and see what I can do. If I find it,
will post the URL for CYLC if your interested in my next post.

Let's see, will have to take a pic of the sky tomorrow and post it.

So, haven't been kniting lately.

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