I'm trying to blog Mon. Wed. Fri, but last night when I went to
blog, I looked at the clock and I needed to get to bed instead.
That's why I'm blogging today.
These are pictures of my knitting. The first is a knitted
washcloth I knitted a while ago. It's been used once and then
washed. There's another red one that's being used today, so
didn't take a picture of that.
This washcolth is one I'm making now. It's my waiting washcloth, that I
knit on when waiting somewhere. I started it while waiting at the mammogram
place, and worked on it for a while at my Knitting group.
After knitting on the washcloth for a bit, I picked up the bulky yarn
and started knitting first a gauge swatch, and then cast on 33 stitches
for a Kindle bag. I measured around the Kindle and it was 11 1/2" around,
so I cast on for 11 inches, figuring it stretches a bit. I also knitted
on it once during the couple days since Thursday. I figure I take the
Kindle places and a knitted bag would protect it somewhat.
My Thursday was crazy for me. First Knitting from 10 - 11:30, Then went to
A.C. Moore to look for paint brushes. Then went home, ate a quick lunch,
brushed my teeth and went for a dental cleaning. Showed the Kindle to them
and they had never heard of one. I went home, this time for 2 hours, before
eating some dinner and leaving at 5:30 for a painting class back in Stroudsburg.
I usually space those things out, but somehow they all landed on the same day.
Turned out I didn't like the watercolor painting or the teacher much. So no
more of that any more.
I got a flyer from my LYS and Annie Modiesitt is coming in April to my LYS.
I want to sign up for one her classes. It's pretty cool she's coming to
East Stroudsburg, PA., to Mountain Knits and Purls, actually in East
Stroudsburg. She's teaching a Jewelry Demo, on May 27th and Combination
Knitting on May 28th. She's also doing a book signing of any of her books
on the 27th. You need to sign up for them at Mountain Knits and Purls
before the class if you are anywhere near it. I'm looking at the flyer
and there is another class of hers on the 28th in the afternoon, called
Annie's Embellishments. Le's see, on the 27th the class is from 7 to 9 PM.
On the 28th, the first is from 11 - 2 PM and 3 - 6 PM.
So, I've been knitting.