Saturday, July 08, 2006

Hi all,

Here it is another week. Well, I went to my knitting guild on Thursday night. There were about 7 of us there, vacations, I suppose. Neither of the guild's starter's were there, but we did fine and enjoyed chatting and knitting. I worked on those fingerless gloves doing several more rows, maybe 10 or 12. One member was talking about her trip to China the month before. That was interesting.

Got an email from the woman that has my name as Secret pal. She's teasing me saying she has a box all ready to send me, but she's not sending it yet. It's not nice to tease. LOL

I getting together some things to send to my secret pal. I won't tease her about though. Won't email her till I send it.

I should take a picture of those silly fingerless gloves in progress. Will try to do so next time I post.

It's been hot here in PA. Been sitting out on the deck each day in order to get vitamin D in my system. I usually read a chapter of a book I happen to be reading. Today I had a magazine. It was so hot, I only lasted about 10 min. instead of the usual 15. Think I went out too early. No burn though.

So, I've been knitting.

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