Monday, March 22, 2004

Winter has not let go of Eastern PA as yet. Cold, and extremely windy today. When I walked the dog I wore with my coat, a scarf, mittens, and hat. Thought I was done with those things for this time of year. Wasn't Spring started just this weekend? Oh well, such is life.

I have been working on the granddaughter's sweater. It's worked from sleeve to sleeve. Got the first sleeve the right length and next thing is to add the stitches for the front and back.

Been learning to life weights. I had gone to Curves for a year and a month, but then decided I wasn't getting in any better shape as the machines stayed the same. So now to move on to weight lifting. Found a gym today by looking in the telephone books and it's very close to here which is great. Need to call and make appointment to tour the place. I have been lifting dumb bells but that's not as safe as machines. I've been reading Power of 10 which is the slow lifting of weights.

Hope it warms up here in this neck of the woods soon.

So, I've been knitting.

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